Lyzanne // Album Photo Shoot

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Lyzanne is working on a musical album (due to come out next year!) and needed some visuals to go with the work. When I asked her what she was looking for as a vibe, she said “vulnerable. This is gonna be really real.” So, we went for a paired down aesthetic with the emphasis on expressions, and a less-is-more feel to get really real. Sometimes a colour palette emerges from a shoot on its own, and it did here - a moody winter cyan blue and a cozy transcendent ochre yellow- hellllooo, so beautiful! Look for it in the shots and if you’re like “what? I don’t get it!” rewatch the movie Transformers again and see how every cinematic frame is yellow or blue somehow. It’s cool. But, I digress. Lyzanne is very talented at singing, songwriting, and playing guitar, and beyond that she has this ability to make you feel what she’s been feeling as she creates. This amazing human’s creativity of all kinds (soup-maker, cook, my kid’s music teacher, friend) carries love and brokenness and hope, and the world is a richer place for her presence. Lyzanne rocks!

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